MicroMD PM
127 results found
Additional Options to Flag Potential Duplicate Accounts Other Than SSN#
Need an additional option in flagging duplicate accounts other than the SSN#-perhaps by duplicate F/L Name and/or DOB
15 votesThank you for your feedback on the MicroMD product! We are pleased to inform you that this item has been approved for consideration and are looking forward to building this feature! If we have questions as things progress, we will reach out.
Onwards and upwards!
Product Management
Need to add the patients name to the credit card receipt.
Need to add the patients name to the credit card receipt.
14 votes -
Allow Locking of an open Daysheet so that no one else can post/edit open Daysheet
Practices often need to leave an old Daysheet open so that they can review and verify everything is correct before closing the Daysheet. Unfortunately this means that another biller might accidentally post to that open Daysheet. A nice enhancement would be to allow a billing manager to finalize or lock a Daysheet but not actually erase it - so only security authorized billers can post to a locked or finalized Daysheet. This would allow them to see their payment total and balance payments for making a deposit BUT they are not forced to close/erase the Daysheet before someone adds to…
14 votes -
Add 'zero payment quick button' to quickly post zero payment All line items on a claim.
Have a quick button in Payment Posting screen that allows the user to either Set ALL rows to zero payment without writing off the balance (in instances where a claim is denied or not paid because there was no coverage).
13 votes -
Copay column in Primary Insurance - (Green) Payment Calculation window
There should be a Co-payment note field in Payment Calculations
Requested Steps to define spec:
- Post Payment/Adjustments
- Primary Insurance Payment Calculations window pops-up
- There should be an extra field for Co-Payment
Expected Result:
An extra field for Co-Payment note in Primary Insurance Payment CalculationsCurrent Result:
User has to manually type in a Note for Co-payImpact on Workflow:
User has to remember to put the Co-pay note in every time and this causes the biller to try to remember to do so. Practice prefers to see this field even though patient has paid their co-pay already.13 votesInternal review id 30013
Add an option to have a pop up at arrival if eligibility was not checked or eligibility eturned as N or ?
Add an option to have an automatic pop up at registration that will alert the front desk clerk that a patient's eligibility has not been checked or the eligibility check failed - making it more obvious to the user that corrective action is necessary.
Also - prompt to automatically verify eligibility when adding a new insurance ID to help remind at point of entry on day of service.
12 votesReview stage id 29269
Required Patient Fields - Phone
Setup > Practice Preferences > General Preferences > Required Patient Fields
Update/Change the "Home Phone" requirement of it being the exact field to be any phone number. Basically we just need a single phone number regardless of whether it is a Home/Work/Cell/Alternate. As long as 1 phone number exist (which is typically not a HOME anymore) then the requirement would be satisfied.
Majority of cases, the staff are adding the cell as the home and duplicating it again in the cell field.
11 votesThank you for your feedback on the MicroMD product! We are pleased to inform you that this item has been approved and is in active development! In addition to each unique phone type (cell, home, alternate) as an option field to make required, we are also adding email for those who are using MMDengage to provide a more comprehensive collection of patient demographics.
Onwards and upwards!
Product Management
Allow Appt Templates to reserve # of slots of Classification
Currently when you create an appointment template entry in Day Setup the appointment classification # of slots does not reserve the number indicated. A 2 slot classification only reserves 1 slot. This creates problems with overbooking. The workaround doesn't work very well. Would like the same number of slots templated as it is set in classification.
I create an apt classification and give it 2 slots.
I assign it to a time slot on the day setup. I takes only one slot. I put that day in a week.
When the day view comes up only one time slot is…10 votes -
Plan ID Search should not be wild card search
The only way to search for plans in "plan id" space under the plan sets tab is by ID#, not name. If you type in FFS, looking for Medicare FFS, it says none found because there is no % defaulted to the beginning of the search. YOu should just be able to search like in the large database of plan list - no wildcard required. Most users do not know about wildcards and so when they can't find plan, it is frustrating.
9 votes -
Aging report - We need to have capability to select aging from and to dates in selection criteria
Currently Aging Report allows you to run report based on Aging date/service date/posting date. However, it does not allow me to pick specific aging from and to dates.
For example, I just want to see the aging report for the last 1 year (ie limit the amount of data) based on the actual patients for the last 1 year. The format of the aging report is good, just does not allow us to restrict the amount of data selected so as to focus on useful aging.
So, for example, I want to print the aging report for patients seen from…
9 votes -
Allow sequestration posted in a MCR 2ndary payment to go to MORE screen
When MCR is 2ndary and the payment is auto posted... the sequestration write off information does not get entered into the MORE screen. The payment auto posts fine but every time is gets stopped at PI for CAS error/not being in balance. They do not have the opportunity to correct this because it is an auto posted payment. So they would like to be able to tell the system to automatically populate the MORE screen with sequestration information when MCR is a 2ndary payer.
Expected Result: FAR less CAS errors in PI that have to be manually corrected
Actual Result:…9 votesMicroMD ref id 23566 Version 15.0
Would like ability for secondary insurance to be verified electronically along with primary
Currently only way to verify secondary insurance is manually. Many practices still have to manually call to verify 2ndry and would be best if secondary insurance can be included with eligibility verification via Appointment Schedule or when manually requesting via demographics or appointment creation.
9 votes -
Offer a short history list of recently accessed patients for added speed.
I really like the F12 key that pulls up the most recently accessed patient so that you don't have to search again. But it would be more helpful if you also added a pull down arrow that would show the last 10-15 patients you have worked with - this would really speed up the workflow when you move from area to area in the software. In a real office - you are interrupted and have to change patients to take a call etc -this would help reaccess the patient after an interruption.
9 votesThis suggestion will be added to our internal system for team review. ref id 25281
EB Summary Report for Dental claims
When running the EB Summary report for dental claims, the DX Code warning is listed for every patient because dental does not apply DX codes. If it is a dental form, the system should omit the DX Code rule. Also, you cannot see on the EB Summary report if a Tooth Number, Surface, or Arch was added. You have to open each claim to ensure the required information is attached.
8 votesThank you for the suggestion and votes. The item now will be reviewed by our feature team. ID 30800
With all the State and Federal Reporting - Need a GOOD Demographic Report
Need a demographic report with SS#, DOB, Address, Ph# and they need to be able to run it by appointment date. They have to check state controlled substance databases before prescribing medications. The information above is needed. They currently use schedule report but have to look up DOB and SS# to perform this task. Very time consuming.
8 votesMicroMD ref id 30016
adjust a payment made to multiple sequences
I would like there to be a way to adjust a payment that was made on multiple sequences. For example. If a patient owes us under $100 I don't want to send it to collections and I don't want to continue to send a bill every month. I will write off the balance with a specific write off code and then will set the patient status to not be able to make an appointment until the balance is paid off. However, once the patient pays the balance, I have to manually adjust the write off on each sequence. This can…
8 votes -
Search by ICN to find claim
Create ability to search by ICN to show the claim that the number is attached to. This would be very helpful when there is a takeback on a remit that shows only the original ICN. Being able to find the sequence by the ICN, user will know who to enter the takeback adjustment on.
8 votesThank You for your suggestion it is now open for others to vote
Edit Claim
The edit claim feature, whether used in billing inquiry or charges and payments, should let you "edit the claim", all of it. It takes way too long for the user to fix a claim with an improper payer or CPT code or DX. You should be able to click edit claim, and from there change anything you want and set the claim to be print all in one window without moving somewhere else in the sytem. Currently the "edit claim" button from billing inquiry allows you to change very little. You can't change the CPT, the amount charged, the units…
8 votesReview/Planning stage id 29264
Uniposting refunds
Option on Charges/Payments will display sequences for all subaccounts with credit balances and then enter refund.
8 votesThis high vote item will be reviewed by the product review committee for planning for future development. MicroMD ref id 21487
Auto Payment Posting
Description of Request: Autoposting Report needs column for co-pay. Report should match what is on paper EOB and what is received in the 835 file. Be specific, detailed where and how this function would work and enhance the users experience.
Requested Steps to define spec: Key component
Expected Result:
Actual Result: Give result
Impact on Workflow:8 votesHSMS internal reference id 17735 this suggestion will begin to be reviewed by product management, development, and services teams.
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