Edit Claim
The edit claim feature, whether used in billing inquiry or charges and payments, should let you "edit the claim", all of it. It takes way too long for the user to fix a claim with an improper payer or CPT code or DX. You should be able to click edit claim, and from there change anything you want and set the claim to be print all in one window without moving somewhere else in the sytem. Currently the "edit claim" button from billing inquiry allows you to change very little. You can't change the CPT, the amount charged, the units etc. You can change these items from charges/payments, then PT sequences, but only after you set the claim to hold. This takes too long and is inefficient for the user. There needs to be one window where any and all claim adjustments can be made and you can set the claim to print without clicking in and out of more windows.

Review/Planning stage id 29264
Adam White commented
This idea received 11 votes other than my own. Any news on this??