Allow Locking of an open Daysheet so that no one else can post/edit open Daysheet
Practices often need to leave an old Daysheet open so that they can review and verify everything is correct before closing the Daysheet. Unfortunately this means that another biller might accidentally post to that open Daysheet. A nice enhancement would be to allow a billing manager to finalize or lock a Daysheet but not actually erase it - so only security authorized billers can post to a locked or finalized Daysheet. This would allow them to see their payment total and balance payments for making a deposit BUT they are not forced to close/erase the Daysheet before someone adds to it (and changes totals). The billing manager then has time to go back through and make sure all charges and adjustments posted are accurate and posted to correct location, correct doctor, and any other posting issue the practice make come across.
- A locked/finalized Daysheet is still Open but only allows Supervisors or authorized billers to post/edit
- A locked/finalized Daysheet prevents unintended edits between the time it is finalized and the time it is actually closed/erased.
- A locked/finalized Daysheet helps the practice to prevent closing a Daysheet with errors that cause charge/payment/writeoff adjustments and deletions.

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