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22 results found

  1. Required Patient Fields - Phone

    Setup > Practice Preferences > General Preferences > Required Patient Fields

    Update/Change the "Home Phone" requirement of it being the exact field to be any phone number. Basically we just need a single phone number regardless of whether it is a Home/Work/Cell/Alternate. As long as 1 phone number exist (which is typically not a HOME anymore) then the requirement would be satisfied.

    Majority of cases, the staff are adding the cell as the home and duplicating it again in the cell field.

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    Thank you for your feedback on the MicroMD product! We are pleased to inform you that this item has been approved and is in active development!  In addition to each unique phone type (cell, home, alternate) as an option field to make required, we are also adding email for those who are using MMDengage to provide a more comprehensive collection of patient demographics. 

    Onwards and upwards!

    Product Management

  2. Plan ID Search should not be wild card search

    The only way to search for plans in "plan id" space under the plan sets tab is by ID#, not name. If you type in FFS, looking for Medicare FFS, it says none found because there is no % defaulted to the beginning of the search. YOu should just be able to search like in the large database of plan list - no wildcard required. Most users do not know about wildcards and so when they can't find plan, it is frustrating.

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  3. With all the State and Federal Reporting - Need a GOOD Demographic Report

    Need a demographic report with SS#, DOB, Address, Ph# and they need to be able to run it by appointment date. They have to check state controlled substance databases before prescribing medications. The information above is needed. They currently use schedule report but have to look up DOB and SS# to perform this task. Very time consuming.

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  4. Allow multiple Patient Category''s per patient

    When in the Patient Detail window, we would like to be able to assign a patient to more than one "Category" to a patient. The category can be used to allow “flashing” and blocking of appointment creations in the PM and sometimes there is a need for a patient to be in multiple categories for this and tracking.

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  5. Add data fields to record deductible, deductible met and copays for multiple levels of service.

    on Plan Set tab, per insurance, add data fields to record deductible, deductible met with a date field, and copays for multiple levels of service.

    Specialists will have varying copays based on office visit or procedure performed

    This would provide ease of access and quick review to office staff who are scheduling patients and educating them in advance of their financial responsibility.

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  6. Minors

    It would be nice to have the ability to identify via a report of patients who are a minor with no responsibly party listed on the account. On the opposite side another report to show patients who are now an adult who have a responsibly party listed.

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  7. Mobile App

    Create an App that integrates with MicroMD where patients can request an appointment and update demographics, with the approval of the staff. Also, allow them to have the availability from the app to log on to the secure chart portal and pay a bill.

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  8. Rights to lock specific fields.

    In the attached screenshot the permissions for patient is expanded. In the detail subfolder there would be another subfolder called lock. Within that lock folder any drop down and/or check box field could be selected to lock. For instance if the category drop down field was selected as locked that user or group would not have permission to make any changes to that field. By default the lock would be blank and all users would be able to make changes.

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  9. Need the ability to scan referral documents to the planned visits screen

    Having the ability to scan referral documents coming into a practice in the planned visit screen and for the system to be able to automatically print those corresponding documents along with the claim form could be a huge time saver for practices.

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  10. Multiple patient

    Open more than one patient window in the PM. Our front staff will often have to exit the patient window when they answer a call or check in another patient and then they have to start over and re-enter the information.

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  11. Deductible Info window needs a year date

    Not all yearly deductible amounts are calendar year and we need a way to know when the deductible starts over. Also, the system should alert when deductibles are reached for the timeframe.

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  12. Allow patient category to be restricted item

    Currently, there is no way to restrict a user from changing the patient category. I would like there to be a option to restrict this.

    The only way to block patient accounts is through this feature, we either need another way to block accounts due to bad debt issues or prevent staff from moving the patient from categories.

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  13. Locking Search Arguments

    Description of Request: Have an option to lock the search arguments in the PM to the 'Created search arguments'
    Requested Steps to define spec: Have a checkbox to lock the search arguments box so users cannot free type text in there. This will help with reporting and accuracy.
    Expected Result: Consistency with the data
    Actual Result: Free typed data that is harder to match up.
    Impact on Workflow: Takes extra time to ensure data is accurate.

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  14. Patient Details to auto-populate County

    We are experiencing patients traveling to our clinic from all over the state for our rapid COVID-19 testing. Patients give us their street address, city, and state but do not typically give us the county they live in. This information is a requirement under patient details and our staff members are having to google search the city/state to find the county the patient lives in. Can the system not auto-populate the county based on the city/state that is entered into the system? It already populates the city/state when the zip code is entered, so it certainly seems that the system…

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  15. Recall/Waiting List in Appointment History Window

    When viewing appointment history it would be helpful to see recalls and waiting list entries that apply to that patient.

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  16. Patient Chart Note update demographics

    Practice is using Patient Chart Notes in PM Patient Detail to keep preauthorization and coverage information. They need the note to have updated patient demographic and insurance information. When address or plan changes, that note needs to be updated as well

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  17. I would like to add a field for the responsible party email address

    In the guarantor/Patient list, in the selection of responsible party, under relationship field, have a field for Email address.

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  18. Automatic or Mass Patient Grouping/Tagging by Critera

    In MicroMD PM, can there be functions available to categorize accounts or categorize patients into groups based on demographic and financial data, with the capability to swiftly query said groups.

    FQHCs receive grants and donations for patient care that have stipulations and requirements for eligibility. I would appreciate a method for patient-facing staff to accurately identify eligible patients for grant programs. This can be done via a lookup tool, an alert in the chart, or tags/group shown within the patient details.

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  19. Double Click Referring/PCP/Plan ID to View their Details

    Within the Patient Detail, I would like to have the ability to double click the Referring/PCP/Plan ID fields to view their details (ie contact numbers, address, NPI, Payer ID, etc) versus going to these individual fields in Maintenance and performing a search.

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  20. last patient payment

    Practice would like adjustments to the Patient Detail Screen for the Patient Last Payment. They would like to see the payment made to any sequence listed in this field. Currently it only shows the last payment of the most recent sequence.

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