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165 results found

  1. Ability to open Appointment History for a Temp Patient

    Ability to open Appointment History for a Temp Patient.

    Requested Steps to define spec:
    1. Schedule an appointment as New Patient
    2. Create Test Patient
    3. Go to Patient module
    4. Click on Temp Patient List
    5. Double-click on Patient
    6. Click on Appointment History

    Expected Result:
    Appointment for the Temp Patient should show

    Current Result:
    Must create an account for the Patient OR go to Appointment Inquiry and search for the patient by using the last name and first name of the Temp Patient. It is too time consuming to have to search in Appointment Inquiry for a test…

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  2. Uniposting

    The option to print more than one copy when printing the uniposting receipt. Currently, you can only click print one time when posting in Uniposting, and the staff has to make a photo copy to keep for their records.

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  3. "Family Size" - Unknown Category on UDS Table 4

    Within the MicroMD PM application, unless it is set otherwise, you do not have to populate the "Family Size" value within the Patient's account > Patient Profile Detail tab. However, if this field is not populated (It is left blank), when running the UDS Table 4 report, the patient is listed as having a Family Size of "1". It would be useful for the practice to be able to see, in a "Unknown" catetgory, which patients do not have a "Family Size" entered.

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  4. Provide choice of downloading remits with MicroMD ECM

    Many sites do not want the remittances to automatically come back from Practice Insight when sending claims. Most sites only download remittances and post on the day they verify funds have been received. Downloading multiple (all available remits) from PI is time consuming and causes a long list to wade thru for autoposting.

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  5. Default Principle Diagnosis as Patient Reason for Visit in 5010223/UB Electronic claims

    in 4010 this was a combined segment, with 5010 they are split into their own and payers like Medicare and medicare type plans require this on Outpatient claims. 5010 ansi specs state it is optional EXCEPT required for outpatient claims. PI can force this with a post loader but due to 5010 requirement feel it should be either a claim rule in MicroMD or preferably not a manual entry due to claim volume but maybe a setup option to allow it to duplicate the Principle Diagnosis.

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  6. Please remove limit on text box for size of ICD Description allowed (Diagnosis Detail Dialog)

    If you are mapping ICD9 to ICD10 codes in the PM, and you are in the dialog with the title "Diagnosis List" in the titlebar, there is a field named "Description". That filed seems to have a character limit of 40 characters. Could you please remove the character limit here, because to get meaningful names with all the specifity of ICD10, we may need more than 40 characters in some cases.
    Key component Simply remove the character limit on this field.
    Expected Result: More characters to be able to be used in the description.
    Actual Result: Only 40 characters (many…

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  7. Update pending charges table to handle NDC and EPSDT information from EMR

    Client request: has many providers in one practice who while they utilize the same cpt codes for drugs, have many different NPI numbers, depending upon the manufacturer. Client wishes to pass the following fields from their EMR to the MMD PM pending charges table: NDC #, NDC unit, NDC quantity and unit price.

    In addition, they wish to pass an EPSDT Visit code from the EMR back to the pending charges table.

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  8. Carry the zip+4 information to the sub-account when the .0 account is updated

    Is there any reason why when updating the address on a .0 account the zip +4 does not carry over to the sub accounts?

    For example if I’m make an update to the address on the .0 account and enter a new street address, city zip & zip + 4, when saving PM will ask if you wish to update the sub account, after answering yes to do so and checking the sub account everything updates with the exception of the zip+4.

    I verified it behaves this way in the most recent version EBF2.

    Also important is that this…

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  9. Track EHR Penalty

    Practices are starting to get hit with the EHR penalty. They are calling asking of how they track the amount of money that they are having taken away. We have no good way of tracking that. Any report gives us patient names but not the amount that was taken. A thought was to use the misc ded but that is only good for one and that's being used for the sequestration. It would be nice to track this from the APP module. Perhaps the withholding code could be used to extrapolate the amounts used against it in a report. This…

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  10. Allow to set System Default Language to None or Other Language

    Allow practice to set System Default Language to None for New Patients. Practices should be allowed to set their Default Language to what their major patient population speaks or set it to NONE so that users are forced to change the language for the new patients added into the system.

    Requested Steps to define spec:
    1. Log in to PM
    2. Setup
    3. Practice Preferences
    4. General Preferences
    5. Default Language – Select <NONE> or any language
    6. Save

    Expected Result:
    When creating a new patient, if set to None, the Language field should be blank and user will be…

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  11. Patient Category: Deceased

    need way to mark the ‘deceased’ category as “special” the way it can mark the collections category, etc…, so that when a patient is marked deceased all of the appointments and recalls for the patient are cancelled. If the status is changed from ‘deceased’ to something else, due to error or resurrection, then the appointments and recalls should probably be un-cancelled. Setting the patient’s ‘death_date’ should probably have the same effect.

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  12. Report to show remit code amounts

    When running the Claim Status/Tracking/Remit report, put the amount taken in regards to that remit code so that a practice could determine how much penalties are costing their practice.

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  13. Improve tracking of appointments that have certain date restrictions/fields with options to view last date of specific procedures

    To improve continuity of care - it would help to have visible while making appointments certain fields on the appointment screen that show when a patient had a type of appointment without having to move from the screen - i.e. a Medicare wellness.
    And if an appointment type is set up - when selected - if the patient is requesting that type of appointment and it has not been the allowable time since the last visit - a pop up should alert the user with the info of how many days remain in the restriction. Having fields available, practices could…

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  14. descending order option- charges and payments window

    An office can easily have more than 12 office visits in a year. In Charges and Payments - a common tool - we only show 11 visits on the screen at a time - even when you expand the window. However his biggest gripe is that there is not a way to reverse the order to show the most recent sequences first in the charges and payments window. - which is the normal thing you want to see – not the oldest. To see the most recent postings - you have to scroll. You can do this in the billing…

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  15. Report Enhancement: Add Principal Procedure Code

    Ability to run Procedure Transaction Report by Principal Procedure, similar to how we can run the report for Principal Diagnosis codes. This will help practice track how many procedures were the primary service for each visit. Not every patient comes in and gets charged an office visit. Please add option to choose whether to run Primary Only Procedure or Show All.

    Requested Steps to define spec:
    1. Reports
    2. Management
    3. Plan Procedure History
    4. Choose Primary Only or Show All

    Expected Result:
    Unable to run report based on primary procedures.

    Current Result:
    Report doesn’t pull by principal procedure

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  16. "Death Date" Not Audited In Patient Log

    When a user sets a "Death Date" in a patient's "Detail" tab, the Patient Log does not reflect this information. This makes it difficult to troubleshoot issues with patients being listed as "Deceased" in EMR an issue once the information crosses the interface as it cannot be tracked down to an individual user making this change.

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  17. Need to audit the Appointment History window.

    When users delete modified appointment entries in the Appointment History window, this action is not audited. We would like this audited to settle disputes when an incorrect appointment is made and changed in the PM but not reflected in the EMR. This would be used to validate a user error rather than a application issue. CPH Ticket example 16727.

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  18. Print Patient Detail - Allow print of group of patient details based on appointments for day

    Print Patient Info from patient Detail allows you to print out a sheet to have patient verify if any information has changed from prior visits. Practices have requested that they would like the capability to print this sheet as a batch instead of having to print this separately for each patient.

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    I hope this message finds you well. I want to express my sincere gratitude for sharing your feature request with us. Your input is incredibly valuable to our team, and we appreciate the time and effort you've put into providing your insights.

    After careful consideration and thorough evaluation, we regret to inform you that we won't be able to implement the requested feature at this time. Please understand that this decision wasn't made lightly, and we genuinely appreciate your enthusiasm for our product.  I want to assure you that your feedback has been taken into account, and we continuously assess our roadmap to align with the needs of our users. 

    If you are interested in this type of functionality, we encourage you to reach out about our MMDengage solution that will solve this exact use case and more!

    We value your partnership and we hope to have further feedback and…

  19. report by occupation

    Since occupation is a recent added field to fill in in the patient details, our front desk has been capturing that data. We would like to run a report to show all the occupations to help capture our migrant and seasonal workers.

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  20. Enhance Batch Options to allow user to Set a Default Provider too.

    Currently Batch Options allows a user to default a Location, Service Facility, DOS but not the provider. For practices that post hospital charges, being able to set a Provider that conducted hospital rounds for all patients would be helpful. This is often and likely going to be different than the provider that was entered into the patients demographic record.

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