Allow to set System Default Language to None or Other Language
Allow practice to set System Default Language to None for New Patients. Practices should be allowed to set their Default Language to what their major patient population speaks or set it to NONE so that users are forced to change the language for the new patients added into the system.
Requested Steps to define spec:
1. Log in to PM
2. Setup
3. Practice Preferences
4. General Preferences
5. Default Language – Select <NONE> or any language
6. Save
Expected Result:
When creating a new patient, if set to None, the Language field should be blank and user will be forced to change the language if set as a Required Patient Field.
Current Result:
Language is set as a Required Patient Field, however, system defaults language to English, which defeats the purpose of forcing users to select a language.
There is no workaround currently.
Impact on Workflow:
HIGH, Reports are off. This is especially affecting FQHC practices that need to report how many patients have a certain language as their primary language. It doesn’t make sense to set Language as a required field but is defaulted with the English language, which will defeat the purpose of being forced to set a language for a patient. Users are not switching the language for patients from English to what their primary language is. When the practice needs to submit UDS reports, their language tables are not reporting accurately.