Improve tracking of appointments that have certain date restrictions/fields with options to view last date of specific procedures
To improve continuity of care - it would help to have visible while making appointments certain fields on the appointment screen that show when a patient had a type of appointment without having to move from the screen - i.e. a Medicare wellness.
And if an appointment type is set up - when selected - if the patient is requesting that type of appointment and it has not been the allowable time since the last visit - a pop up should alert the user with the info of how many days remain in the restriction. Having fields available, practices could set up the codes then need to track - and then the rules associated with the codes they are checking. This will prevent wellness appointments from being booked before insurance will pay. In addition - now data can be mined from these fields for continuity of care reasons. If a patient is booking a different type of appointment- the user can see they also need to book the wellness - it is overdue etc. Would be ideal if any codes being tracked would alert the user of all overdue continuity of care items.

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