Ability to open Appointment History for a Temp Patient
Ability to open Appointment History for a Temp Patient.
Requested Steps to define spec:
1. Schedule an appointment as New Patient
2. Create Test Patient
3. Go to Patient module
4. Click on Temp Patient List
5. Double-click on Patient
6. Click on Appointment History
Expected Result:
Appointment for the Temp Patient should show
Current Result:
Must create an account for the Patient OR go to Appointment Inquiry and search for the patient by using the last name and first name of the Temp Patient. It is too time consuming to have to search in Appointment Inquiry for a test patient especially since sometimes the users may have spelled the name incorrectly and have no way of finding the patient without having to view the Temp Patient List first.
Impact on Workflow:

Ashley commented
This would be a good feature if we can be able to track these patients also for reporting. Currently these patients' information will delete if they no show. We are not able to track this for productivity if the information deletes for no shows on these temp appointments. Its nice to not create a medical record for patients we might not see. But what's the point of using the temp appointment feature if we cant track them for productivity and reporting.
Susan Lee commented
Found a typo, it should say temp patient not test patient in third line. See below
Current Result:
Must create an account for the Patient OR go to Appointment Inquiry and search for the patient by using the last name and first name of the Temp Patient. It is too time consuming to have to search in Appointment Inquiry for a temp patient especially since sometimes the users may have spelled the name incorrectly and have no way of finding the patient without having to view the Temp Patient List first.