"Create Order" Checkbox Automatically Checked For Referral Orders
It would be nice to include a "User Preference" item to automatically check the "Create Order" checkbox within the encounter for specific plan types (i.e., Referral, Lab, etc.).
Most of the time, when items are added to the encounter's "Plan" area, the checkbox for "Create Order" needs to be checked. Enabling the provider to have this checkbox automatically checked for ALL of that specific plan type items would prevent many of the issues that arise by the providers run across by not having this checkbox checked. This checkbox should override any “Expert settings” option that selects/unselects this checkbox.
For example: Almost 100% of the time, when a provider refers a patient out to a specialist (and they have a resource listed under the “User Preferences” > Encounter > “Default Resource for plan items”), they’ll always want to have an order created to go to this user.

This suggestion has been entered into our internal system for review ref id 25701
This will not be reviewed at this time. There is logic in place with expert settings and templates as to when to check and not check the box. Many changes have been made over the years and it is currently at a spot that everyone is used to. We will not be making any changes here.