Patient Appointment History in Billing Inquiry
Any employee who has to review the billing inquiry will commonly refer back to the patient's appointments. This can be to verify a date or the type of appointment. For the user to do this, they must begin a patient inquiry (F5) and then click on appointment history. This process can be simplified if we can access patient appointments from the billing inquiry. Perhaps the appointment history button can be added to the billing inquiry menu? An alternate idea would be to have a "patient" button from the billing inquiry menu that would take you to the patient account without using the F5 search. You can already flow from patient to billing inquiry, why doesn't the reverse work?

Thank you for your feedback on the MicroMD product! We are pleased to inform you that this item was released in version 20 of MicroMD!
Onwards and upwards!
Product Management
Kari Howell commented
Hi, Adam. You mention the F5 shortcut key while in Billing Inquiry for the patient. Have you had success using the Crtl+F5 key combination while on the Billing Inquiry window for the patient? This will take you directly to that patient's Patient Detail window where you can then click the Appointment History task.