When a duplicate dx is on th esame line reject it in the edit before it can go out.
When a duplicate dx is on th esame line reject it in the edit before it can go out. So it will not reject at the clearing house. This should be in the front end edit not discovered after the edit and batch and shipped.

Prompt to user added in version 17.0.1
Lee Anne Graefnitz commented
Stop a charge from being saved at the time of charge entry when a duplicate diagnosis is posted. The current process of setting a rule to catch this on the EB reports or waiting for the clearinghouse to catch it results in a delay of the claim getting through the clearinghouse. We have clients that post their own charges so they need to be able to see the duplicate diagnosis at the time of posting.
Adam White commented
The rule manager doesn't allow for a simple formula to find any duplicate DX. You would have to create a rule for each specific DX. That could be hundreds of rules one would have to write. The rule manager should be updated so that you can create one rule to catch any duplicate DX. I have already called support to see if there is way to write one rule to catch all duplicate DX codes, there isn't.