Convert Vitals to DX and CPT for encounter data incentives
EMR needs to be able to pull vitals data and add corresponding DX and CPT codes to the encounter for billing purposes. If a practice has a health plan or IPA that pays them incentives to add the BP and/or BMI to their billing this would assist them. An example would be V85.1 for BMI under the diagnosis and 3077F and 3080F for CPT codes representing the blood pressure. The practice may get paid more money if entering these codes on our billing. It would help a great deal if EMR had an option to pull the vitals data to the encounter so the provider or staff won't have to select these codes manually.
Adam White commented
I appreciate your help in explaining the manual way to do this. However, there is no way to quickly look at 32 codes and select 3 of them from a list of question marks in the encounter.
Please supply these details to this post, a manual or documentation of the specifics.
Adam White commented
There are 32 codes for blood pressure and BMI. It would be much more efficient for the system to be able to use the data from vitals to automatically select the appropriate 3 codes as opposed to manually selecting from the 32 options for every encounter.
Thank you for the suggestion. A means of doing this in the system now is add these codes to an encounter template/s so they would populate or are question marks that the user can make discrete quickly.