Diagnosis Descriptions Not Accurate
If we had the ability to delete the dianosis codes that are not accurate (we can only edit), then I could make sure the codes in there are the ones the provider chooses. For example, code 796.9 means "Other nonspecific abnormal findings" but in the EMR, there are over 100+ descriptions for this code that range from "decreased coughing" to "hip pain". If the provider chooses that code for hip pain, but it comes over to PM for billing, it not specific enough and gets denied. I have been putting "XX" in the description, but it's hard to catch all the ones that are inaccurate.
Also, I'm thinking of when we do a report of all patients with asthma in the EMR, we would have to choose every one of the codes for asthma (there are 95 different ones for 493.xx). There are 64 different descriptions for 493.90 alone.
Enhancement added for option to use SnoMed or ICD descriptions within version 13