Full Screen Encounter
This questions comes up every single time I go to train a new practice: "Why can't I maximize my encounter screen?"
This would make a huge difference for providers, especially when moving through their Review of Systems and Objective screens within an Encounter Wizard/Builder. You cannot click anywhere else on the screen without closing the encounter anyways, so I do not see the reason for keeping the screen so small. Currently, you can expand the Objective list or ROS list by clicking on the magnifying glass, but then you have to right click on the individual sign or symptom, click on field details, and then click your box or make your comment. This is too many steps and clicks and is exasperating for the doctor. Having a full screen encounter where you have a much bigger list of items on one screen without having to scroll will be extremely helpful. As you can see in the attached image, a provider can only see a couple of signs at a time and has to constantly click on the scroll arrow to get to the next sign or symptom to change. This screen needs to be significantly bigger while still maintaining the ability to make comments without having to right click and then click on field details.

Suggestion will be reviewed by development to plan how and when the suggestion can be implemented. We will update this post when further planning steps and implementation date is projected. ref id 16653 Projected for version 11 release Oct 2015
Nathan commented
Can I get a log ID for this?