Update Orders when updated in the Encounter
If a provider starts an encounter and creates an order for one user (say John Doe) and then, after the order is created, the provider decides to change the order (i.e., the user to which it is assigned, diagnosis, etc.), the order that is already created is not updated with this information. However, if the provider ADDs something to the order (like another lab panel), the order is updated to reflect this change. Removing or modifying an existing panel, adding a diagnosis, nor modifying the "Assigned To" does not trigger the update.
Similar results happen with other types of orders (procedures, referral, etc.)
I would like to see the order updated as the encounter is updated. If the order cannot be updated due to it being open/status changed from requested, the provider should receive an alert that order cannot be modified since it has already been opened/completed. The next option should ask if a new order needs to be generated for the addition.