Test Results - Patient Phone Show Primary Phone
Within the Desktop > Test Results area, the "Patient Phone" field displays the "Home" phone number of the patient. This has no dependence on which phone number is set as the primary and/or secondary phone number within the patient's account. It would make sense and be very useful to have the PRIMARY phone number display in this area, regardless of which phone number that would be. With this always displaying a home phone number, the user would need to open the patient's chart in order to determine if that was the correct phone number to call in order to discuss lab results. (ZenDesk Request #2955)

Thank you for your feedback on the MicroMD product! We are pleased to inform you that this item has been completed and released in our version 20.2 version of MicroMD.
If you have questions please don't hesitate to contact our teams.
We hope to have further feedback and collaboration with you again soon!
Onwards and upwards!
Product Management
barbara@timfergusonmd.com commented
When you send a phone message on a patient, and click on caller/who to call, instead of the patient's PRIMARY number showing, it shows their HOME number. Please change this to show PRIMARY number as indicated, as we have to look up to be sure we are calling back the patient at the right number, and this is a disruption to the work flow.