Need ability to auto-populate bill builder when a Screening and Prevention Procedure is Performed
When a Screening and Prevention Procedure is done by the Nurse or ancillary staff, we need to have the bill builder populate this information directly into bill builder without having to add this information into a separate Order or Template

This will not be accommodated the necessary billing information is not available to proper build bill. An order should be used for proper documentation and billing.
Ramesh Gogineni commented
Crystal - Valid Point - Thank You...
Crystal commented
I think there needs to be a prompt to ask if you want it to be sent to the bill builder because a lot of information in this section is entered because it was done historically at another location and not by the practice.
Adam White commented
Great idea!
Ramesh Gogineni commented
This would directly help with work flow as well as increase practice revenue when this information is captured appropriately.