Pending Charges list Refreshing.
Client would like the pending charges window to refresh while minimized.
Currently when the window is minimized it will not refresh.
You have to maximize the window, make sure the focus is on the charges and payments window then wait 30 seconds or more for the pending charges window to refresh.
Increasing the refresh rates within the pm causes an issue because it does not give you enough time to find the patient in the list before the list re_sorts and you lose your place in the list and have to start searching again.
This is especially an issue when you are multi-tasking, as most front desk users do.
The patient is standing at your window waiting to check out and you have to take the time to bring your charges window up, put the focus on it and wait for the pending charges list to refresh. Sometimes having to close the charges window and open it back up before it refreshes.
It is hard to use the pending charges view where they are in the charges window instead of the list view because this view does not meet their needs.
So the feature request is to please have the pending charges window refresh while it is minimized. So when they bring up the pending charges the window is already refreshed.

Enhancement added in version 17.0.1