When you run the auto payment posting report, the generated data in PM cannot be selected or copied. It would help a great deal if this could be coded in PM so you can highlight, select, and/or copy portions of the report. As an example, I'm staring at a report with 10 payments and one of the payments is a denial. I would like to copy a part of the report, and message or email it to someone to follow up on. Currently, I'll have to print the report before I can highlight or select any of the data. It would be much more efficient if I could do that directly from the report window in PM. Also, I like to save the report as a PDF in a specific folder. I normally name the report as the check # from the payment. It would help if I could copy the check # from the report so I could past it in the file name before I save it. That way I don't have to manually type each check # as the report name before it's saved.
zero votes 3yrs old