Add Appointment Class to Field Name in Patient Appointments report template
Add the Field Name for Appointment Classifications to the Query in the Patient Appointments Report template. The Appointment Classifications should be the ones used in the PM that is linked to that appointment. When running this report, it would help to have the Appointment Classification pull as well that way the users can send letters to patients with a certain appointment class or separate those in the reports if needed. When the report is generated, add a column to include the Appointment Classifications
Requested Steps to define spec:
1. Go to EMR
2. Administrative
3. Reports
4. Appointments
5. Click New to create new template
6. Select the Patient Appointments template
7. Query Definition
a. Allow to choose Resource/Book, Appointment Date, Classification, etc.
8. Click Ok
9. Run report
Expected Result:
Report should run based on the queries selected and be able create a Mail Merge Patient Letter for these patients. When the report is generated, there should also be a column to include the Appointment Classifications
Current Result:
currently, the only way to get these patients is to run the schedule for the providers and use the schedule from the PM to find the patients they need to create a mail merge document for.
Impact on Workflow:
High impact, slows down the Medical Assistant and may take up a few hours just to do a print a mail merge document for a day’s work of patients.
This has been updated the appt class in the PM is the appt type in the EMR.