Add Diagnosis Code to Patient Diagnosis by Encounter Report
Innovative I.T. Feature Request
Client Name: Alta Family Health Clinic
Date: 07/21/2014
Contact Name: Susan Lee
Contact Email Address:
Contact Telephone Number: 559-573-3476
PM or EMR Feature Request: EMR
Description of Request: Add a column for Diagnosis Code to the Patient Diagnosis by Encounter Report.
Requested Steps to define spec:
To Create report:
1. EMR
2. Go to Administration tab
3. Select Reports
4. Choose a Report Groups
5. Click New
6. Choose Patient Diagnosis by Encounter as template
7. Name report
8. Click Next (2x’s)
9. Click Finish
To Run Report:
1. Select Report
2. Click Run
Expected Result:
Report have columns for Patient Name, MRN, Age, Diagnosis Code and Diagnosis Description. The Diagnosis codes should show on the report.
Current Result:
Currently the diagnosis code doesn’t show on the report.
Impact on Workflow:
Client unable to group report by ICD Code when the report is exported to Excel.

Thank You for your suggestion however this enhancement is already completed in a future version 10.0
Sorry there is not one ref id the changes are made in associatiion with icd 10 changes overall for ver 10.
Susan Lee commented
Can you provide me with ref id #? Thanks