Lab Order
Description of Request: When creating a lab order in an encounter, copy the diagnosis from the encounter into the order. When printing the order, print the practice's fax number and the ICD Code. Be specific, detailed where and how this function would work and enhance the users experience.
Requested Steps to define spec: Key component
Expected Result:
Actual Result: Give result
Impact on Workflow: Printed lab orders have to have fax number and ICD code written on them.
This is a planned suggestion to be included in a future version. ref id 21424
Jamie Carter commented
When processing lab orders, there is the arrow that indicates what diagnosis the provider has documented on the encounter for that visit. From this, the person processing the labs can choose the diagnosis for the lab ordered. This only works when the person working in the lab is a nurse and is familiar with diagnoses and what the actual lab is measuring or looking at. A phlebotomist or medical assistant is processing the lab does not have enough education or experience to choose the correct diagnosis. That said, legally, the provider has to choose what diagnosis goes with lab order. So that takes us back to square one. Currently the provider has to document the diagnosis twice. Once when ordering labs, so each lab has a diagnosis and again under Assessment for the diagnosis to show up on the Encounter. This equals double documentation. But actually diagnoses are triple documented-1.under Review in the encounter 2.under Assessment in the encounter 3. for each order in the encounter.
Here is what we would like to see: Anytime a diagnosis is added to the encounter it automatically populates to Assessment. Multiple lab orders can be highlighted and multiple diagnosis added to the highlighted lab orders