View Only User (Medical Information)
Currently there is no role that can be assigned to a user that would allow them to VIEW medical information without being able to EDIT the medical information. I need to be able to assign users with the ability to look up any medical information on a patient, but not to be able to edit it.

Suggested feature is available within the application currently.
This is the role I was thinking of it gives the user the ability to see all Patient data and medical information on file in report form. It doesn't give the user the ability to go into the tabs to edit the data its for read only informational purposes only.
Nathan commented
Unless you are referring to a different role, the "View Only Provider" does not give them access to a patient's medical information tab. When I called into support to ask for this role, I was told it did not exist and that I should submit a feature request.
Thank You for your suggestion however there is a user role View Only that can be used for only viewing medical information the user assigned this role can not edit any data in the chart. If you need assistence in the use of this feature please contact your software support team.