Print Statement from Patient Sequences in Charges/Payments
Print Statement in Charges/Payments Patient Sequences window to print an individual Statement
Requested Steps to define spec:
- Charges/Payments
- Select Patient
- Patient Sequences
- Print Statement (under Print Claims) in Task Pane
Expected Result:
When user need to print a statement for a patient, instead of having to go to Statements/Bills, user needs to be able to print the statement from the Sequences window.
Current Result:
User has to go to Statements/Bills, then search for the patient then print the statement
Impact on Workflow:
Slows down the process because billers sends out the bill when they receive an EOB from the insurance company, they want to be able to print it right away instead of having to go to a different window which user will forget due to getting interrupted, etc.

Enhancement completed in version 14. ref id 25279
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