Billing Provider on EB Summary Report
Billing Provider should show on EB Summary Report
Requested Steps to define spec:
- User runs EB Summary Report
- Billing Provider should populate in the report
Expected Result:
When the user runs the EB Summary Report, instead of having to go down the list in the Claims Processing – EB window, the report should specify the Billing Provider.
Current Result:
User has to make sure the billing provider is correct in the Claims Processing – EB window then make sure that it is the correct billing provider before running the report.
Impact on Workflow:
This slows down the biller because she has to make sure the Charges are correct along with the Billing Provider and it has to show on the EB summary Report who the billing provider is. Now she has to look down the Claims Processing – EB window, it usually contains about 50+claims and it does get confusing to look at.
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