Add the ability to save a procedure type to the unapplied payments report when you Save the options
Please go to -Utility -Unapplied Payments
-In the Options Window choose any Payment code by either clicking on the arrow dropdown or the magnifying glass
-you can also choose Report Type as Detail and group by Provider.
-Then click on the Save icon
-Click New and Give it a Name and Description and Accept
Close completely out and go back to -Utility -Unapplied Payment and in the Options window click the Load icon and select the Report you just created and Accept.
All criteria you chose will be there except the payments
Also when you change the Procedure Type to either Writeoff or Refund it will do the Same. Would like the Options selected to retain
closing 4 votes 2 user in 5 yrs. If still wish to suggest reentry as new suggestion.
Deb Jansma commented
We have a client that's on 8.1 who is trying to save different payment codes that also don't stay when she reloads the report. This is the only report that is not saving. Hopefully you can incorporate this into the above issue :)