Allow users to search for a patient by responsible party
Currently, there is no way to search for the list of responsible parties. When we get bankruptcy notices for an individual, they might be the responsible party but we have no way to search for them in the database. This should be a search option when you hit 'F5'.
The function being suggested already exist within MicroMD. See chapter 8 of ref.manual under heading Search for an existing patient. Also see comment notes
The function being suggested already exist within MicroMD.
Staff members can search for patients by name or account number, responsible party, the insured’s name, the patient’s alias or any combination of these. The black down arrow next to the drop-down appears for the Pat.Name/No and Patient Name options. When you click this arrow, the system displays the types of names you want to search. Click the arrow again to return to the search field. See reference manual Search for an existing patient chapter 8. -
Thank you for your suggestions.