Posting for same patient, same day, at different locations.
If a patient is seen at company a dental location then seen the same day at company a medical location there can be an issue with auto posting. What can happen is a dental payment may try to autopost to a medical charge or vice versa when the patient is visiting the second location (See below example). The charges window is where the payment will be posted (Charges/Payments > New > Enter Payment). The PM needs an enhancement to say there is an unapplied payment. Apply to sequence X or No? OR If the PM can recognize that charges in sequence X are from company a dental and company a medical payments should not be posted in that sequence.
Example – Patient is seen at company a dental office. The patient pays $300. The payment is manually posted in the PM with a location of company a dental. The dental charges have not been sent over to the PM yet. Next the patient walks over to company a medical office and is seen. When the medical charges cross into the PM they are autoposted. The system will try to associate the $300 payment at company a dental to the charges from company a medical. The PM cannot distinguish the $300 payment at company a dental is separate from the charges at company a medical.