Prioritize Referral Orders
Ability to choose Priority level for Referral Orders. Add an option to choose Priority level for Referral Orders.
Requested Steps to define spec:
1. Open patient chart
2. Go to Medical Information
3. Orders
4. Referral Order
5. Click on Add
6. Select a Priority Level
7. Click Ok
To view:
1. Go to Desktop
2. Select Orders in Desktop Navigator
3. Select Referral Order in Type
Expected Result:
when creating a Referral Order, there should be an option to choose a Priority level just like in all other Orders.
When viewing the Referral Order, the Urgent Referral Orders should show at the top with an Exclamation point like all other orders.
Current Result:
currently, there is no way to prioritize Referral Orders.
Impact on Workflow:
HIGH, Customer is completely paperless and cannot track the urgency of Referral Orders.

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