Print option on popup Patient Portal patient login name/password and way to view the information again after popup.
currently, there is no way to print the generated patient login name and password when the program generates it within EMR. There needs to be a print button. Also, once the popup window is off the screen, there is no way to view what the system generated for the patient login name and password for the patient portal. There should be a way to view the generated login name and password, after the popup is off the screen.

The Portal button in the chart can open the setup window to see the portal user name. Access to the password is done from the portal administration where the current password reset for the portal resides. The EMR does not receive updates to the passwords after the initial setup so having the initial password which may have already been changed could be confusing.
Currently there is not a print out for patient security reasons, an email goes out to the patient with the information from the portal. The password is not shown again for two reasons patient privacy/ security and after the first time a patient signs onto the portal they are asked to verify themselves and change the password so the temporary password within MicroMd would not be valid any longer. If the user forgets their password the portal login screen has means to reset it with patient verifications. The practice can open the signup screen again from the chart for the patient login name only however from the practices portal access a practices portal admin can reset a patient password.