Please remove full name of logged-on user from footer when they print letters
Description of Request: Currently, at least on versions below PMR 8.1, when a user writes and prints a letter from either the desktop or from within the patient chart, the full name of the user who is doing the printing appears in a footer at the lower right side of the page. The users at this practice have requested that the full name of the user be removed from the footer, as they just don't want their names present on this patient document.
Requested Steps to define spec: The footer is not something visible to users, so it can't be edited by users. HSMS has to remove the field "user name" from this footer.
Expected Result: Letter prints without user's name in the footer
Actual Result: In versions lower than 8.1, the user's name prints in the footer when the letter is printed from either the dektop or from within the chart. In version 8.1, our testing shows that the desktop origin of a letter does not print a footer at all, while printing a letter that originates from within the patient chart does print the footer, with the user's full name.
Impact on Workflow: N/A. Currently the practice is blacking out the staff user's name with a black Sharpie marker.

This is a duplicate item of another suggestion that was being voted on we have combined the items. HSMS internal reference id 17729 this suggestion will begin to be reviewed by product management, development, and services teams.
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