Form Template - Lock Textboxes - No "Freetyping" Allowed
Text boxes are often used in the Form Templates. They can be attached to buttons like Medical Info and Encounter (SOAP). It can be too intuitive for some providers to neglect the button attached to the textbox, and "freetype" in the box instead.
When that happens, it is almost impossible to print what is freetyped in the textbox. The typed portion (non button use) won't print on an Encounter Report and printing the Form may not help either.
Please add a feature when creating form templates to lock textboxes attached to template buttons so that freetyping isn't allowed at all. This will force the provider to use the appropriate button attached to the textbox.
Crystal commented
Just as a side note, when I have information displayed and don't want people typing in the box I change the color and outline to not appear like a text box.