Plan Procedure History Report to group by Provider and Date
When running the Plan Procedure History Report, end user should be able to Group by Provider and Date. Every month Client runs the Census report based on patient’s seen by each rendering provider on a daily basis. Currently right now customer has to change the Service date manually for every single day of the month and this is very time consuming because they have over 15 providers. It would be helpful if the Total Visit count totals by Date and by Month.
Requested Steps to define spec: Reports > Management > Plan Procedure History Report > Options > select Group By – Day and Provider > Accept
Expected Result: Report should include the all Date of Service selected in Service Date range (usually 1 month) > group by rendering Provider > show Total Visits per day and Total Visits in Report Summary for the month.
Actual Result: currently right now, if customer wants this report, they have to change the Service date to individual dates and look at the Total Visits that way.
Impact on Workflow: this becomes very time consuming, takes away a lot of time for the end user running reports and submitting to the board and administrator every month.