Changes needed for the Anesthesia Concurrence Report
The way the Anesthesia Concurrency Report works at this time is not giving the data the way we expect. Doctors are showing on the report as having a concurrency when they do not have one.
Currently it is designed to look at overlapping times and doesn’t take into account the provider. The system is looking at the start time and as long as there is a different case number with overlapping time that is when it bolds the rows.
We need it to look also at the provider. For example if you have a provider who was not overseeing any CRNA’s and a provider who did have several concurrencies the report showed both providers time as a concurrency when it was not.
This report needs to calculate concurrency at the physician level and the CRNA level. Not just the time overlap level.
Our feature request is that we would change this report to take into account not just the cases and over lapping times, but the providers as well. So if a provider is overseeing multiple cases with multiple CRNA’s and their times are overlapping they would count as concurrencies. If however a provider has cases running at the same time as another provider, but is not overseeing a CRNA then that provider’s case/cases should not count as a concurrency.